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Expert life guidance, life-changing perspectives and transformative
presentations designed for organizations and individuals
to optimize life at all levels.


Alice AI

Personal, limitless and
completely confidential guidance
between you and Alice AI.



Find your supportive community
at the Happiness U Hui while you join
us at our classes and weekly events.



Find your superhero personality with
her unique assessment.



Nationally award-winning author and life expert, Alice Inoue is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happiness U, an educational establishment located in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Over the past two decades, her work has helped both individuals and organizations find clarity. Her most notable achievement is the creation of an innovative psychometric assessment, featured in her award-winning book, Master Your Superpowers. The methodology of this assessment is being used by local organizations as well as global corporations such as McDonald’s and GAP. As the author of nine celebrated books on self-growth and happiness, Alice is unwavering in her commitment to helping others find answers to life’s challenges, establishing her as a luminary in the field of personal development and organizational wellness. 


12:35 – Opening Welcome
18:37 – Introduction
21:15 – Welcome to the
Year of Personal Power
21:36 – Words that vibe with 2024
22:50 – What continues in 2024
23:10 – Opportunities in 2024
23:31 – Yin and Yang
24:47 – Naming the Years
26:01 – Exponential Change
27:37 – Last Year, 2023 –
The Year of Connection
27:53 – 2023 Predictions
28:41 – 2024 Predictions
31:29 – Today’s Program
32:33 – Modalities Alice Uses to Forecast
32:50 – Purpose of Today’s Program

Part One
33:53 – A New Era: 2025-2026
34:38 – Numerology
36:41 – Elements of Numerology
38:15 – 2024’s Universal Number
38:58 – 2024 Symbol: The Infinity Symbol
39:33 – Astrology
40:22 – 2024 Astrology
40:37 – The Planets Personified
41:35 – “Rebirther” Pluto
44:40 – Pluto’s Past in Aquarius
45:54 “Rebel” Uranus
46:32 – “Santa” Jupiter
46:57 – Pluto and Jupiter Meets on
April 20th & Possible Changes
48:54 – “Ruler” Saturn
52:42 – Animal Year Guidance
53:35 – 2024: Year of the Wood Dragon
55:50 – What To Do in This Year
57:23 – 2024 Summary
1:00:16 – What to Focus in 2024

Part Two
1:22:54 – The Future
1:23:49 – Exponential Era
1:24:34 – Exponential Growth
1:27:28 – Illustration of
Exponential Growth
1:28:55 – Previous Industrial Revolutions
1:29:39 – Next Level Inventions
1:33:15 – Paradigm Shifts
1:33:52 – Impacts AI Will Have
1:34:07 – ChatGPT
1:35:58 – AI Data
1:36:23 – What’s Being Impacted by AI
1:37:02 – Transportation
1:38:51 – Healthcare
1:40:09 – Communication
1:46:33 – Alice AI
1:49:36 – AI Relationship Revolution
1:56:06 – Wearables
1:58:51 – Creative Arts
2:01:16 – “Elvis Evolution” Show

Part Two (Continued)
2:01:55 – ABBA Virtual Stage Show
2:02:37 – Food, Wine & Cooking
2:03:45 – Travel
2:05:15 – Productivity
2:09:21 – Robots
2:15:00 – Artificial General Intelligence
2:16:57 – Can AI Be Stopped?
2:19:09 – Geopolitical Currents of the Semiconductor Industry
2:23:16 – AI Sources & Tools

Part Three
2:29:48 – 2024 Guidance + Insights
2:31:01 – Navigating Polarities
2:31:31 – Finding Your Power
2:32:19 – 2024 Guidelines
2:40:43 – Final Thoughts

Purchase Now!


The Happiness U Hui is a supportive online community offering positive insights and life guidance encompassing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
“Reverse age” your face naturally by exercising it! We focus on natural skills and techniques to address the root of facial aging.
Watch a PBS Hawaii feature on a personal interview on her life story.


NOTE: Alice has limited availability for new clients, and all one-on-one sessions are currently wait-listed.  If you are interested in seeing Alice for any of her personal services, please contact Erin at as “squeeze-me-in” sessions may be available. 


Navigating life isn’t easy. Guidance with Alice brings clarity, inspiration and new insight to the journey. Her private, confidential life coaching will help you in any aspect of your life where you need support.

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Astrological Consultations

Discover more about yourself, your strengths, life themes and timing opportunities with an astrological forecast with Alice that brings thousands of clients back every year for their yearly update.

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Empowered Employers

Workplaces are thriving with custom programs that include executive coaching, positive mindset seminars and inspired presentations designed to increase productivity and bottom-line results.

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upbeat, insightful, dynamic, and inspiring.

Presentations, keynotes, training, and workshops that are



classes and workshops to help you achieve your fullest potential.

This school of life in the heart of Honolulu holds





It's natural to worry about how much money is going out. Or these days, especially, worry there’s not enough for upcoming bills. I get it! However, the key if you're going to pay anyway is to focus on the benefit of what you are gaining. Whether it’s payments toward rent, car, or education, everything you pay for serves you in some way. So instead of seeing your money as draining away (a one-sided loss), see it as an even exchange of energy (a mutual gain). This will inspire a sense of fulfillment and attract more wealth to you. This simple shift is subtle but powerful. Remember, there are two sides to every story, and there is no such thing as a free lunch.


Your life is not defined by your failures, your mistakes, your past, or your current challenges. Don't blame the pandemic, the system, your life circumstances, or even the people around you for holding you back. You cannot change the past, the system, or people. Your smartest course is to accept everything as it is, and celebrate the fact that you have control over your perspective, your decisions, and your actions. Everything is leading you towards a destiny that won't make sense until you look back and see how every single thing happening right now is catalyzing the exact future you need to experience.


Anxiety, tension, stress, doomsday thinking, worry - all of these are forms of fear caused by too much time spent in the future, and not enough time spent in the present. Since the present is the moment that seeds the manifestation of what is to come (and impacts how you feel along the way), discipline your mind. Catch yourself when you start planting seeds of only negative possibilities. I know it's not easy. Do your best to stay informed and make choices based on the facts, rather than fear, especially when you find you're getting too far ahead of yourself and only see a bleak future that may not even manifest.


If something is not going the way you want, remember that life will move on, just as it always does, and you have a choice. You can either participate in the negative matrix of thoughts and subsequent conversations, or you can decide to seed something positive. Let today be a catalyst for new thinking and new words, even if it is uncomfortable, or you are dreading what will happen from here. The future has yet to unfold. If you focus on the negative, you'll only make yourself feel worse. The more a situation upsets you, the more important it is find your personal gain, and choose thoughts that support you to feel better.


It’s not natural to feel “up” all the time, and normal to feel down sometimes.  When you’re a bit down and want feel better, self-coach yourself up by taking a moment to contemplate where you are holding an unrealistic expectation.  Maybe you have expectations of how life should be, or how others should act or treat you. Perhaps you are focused so much on what’s not right without taking into consideration the bigger picture of how the situation is serving you or benefiting you.  Take a moment to activate a new feeling by asking yourself if your expectations need to be readjusted.  By accepting everything as it is, happiness has space to emerge.


As human beings, we can’t get rid of having fears.  Even the bravest of human beings have fears. Our fears serve the purpose of challenging ourselves beyond our comfort zone, which in turn helps us to grow – one of the purposes of life.  A common fear that many experience is the fear of social rejection.  Have you given up on pursuing something you love or doing something you want to do because you are afraid of rejection or ridicule? The reality is that both rejection and acceptance occur no matter who we are or what we do. Remember, you are the only one that you will be with you for the rest of your life.  Don’t give up your dreams only to subordinate to fear and lose your essential self.


Judgment is an unnecessary perspective. When you judge someone or something (even silently), you put yourself at a disadvantage by assuming that you know everything there is to know. Anytime you judge, you not only feed your ego by distorting the truth, you limit the opportunities that show up in your life. When you sit in judgment, you limit your focus. When you limit your focus, you reduce your power and lose precious energy. Since everything you see and experience is a part of the bigger picture of life, it's wise to remember that everything within life is a necessary part of this picture, and judging it serves no positive purpose.



It's natural to worry about how much money is going out. Or these days, especially, worry there’s not enough for upcoming bills. I get it! However, the key if you're going to pay anyway is to focus on the benefit of what you are gaining. Whether it’s payments toward rent, car, or education, everything you pay for serves you in some way. So instead of seeing your money as draining away (a one-sided loss), see it as an even exchange of energy (a mutual gain). This will inspire a sense of fulfillment and attract more wealth to you. This simple shift is subtle but powerful. Remember, there are two sides to every story, and there is no such thing as a free lunch.


Your life is not defined by your failures, your mistakes, your past, or your current challenges. Don't blame the pandemic, the system, your life circumstances, or even the people around you for holding you back. You cannot change the past, the system, or people. Your smartest course is to accept everything as it is, and celebrate the fact that you have control over your perspective, your decisions, and your actions. Everything is leading you towards a destiny that won't make sense until you look back and see how every single thing happening right now is catalyzing the exact future you need to experience.


Anxiety, tension, stress, doomsday thinking, worry - all of these are forms of fear caused by too much time spent in the future, and not enough time spent in the present. Since the present is the moment that seeds the manifestation of what is to come (and impacts how you feel along the way), discipline your mind. Catch yourself when you start planting seeds of only negative possibilities. I know it's not easy. Do your best to stay informed and make choices based on the facts, rather than fear, especially when you find you're getting too far ahead of yourself and only see a bleak future that may not even manifest.


If something is not going the way you want, remember that life will move on, just as it always does, and you have a choice. You can either participate in the negative matrix of thoughts and subsequent conversations, or you can decide to seed something positive. Let today be a catalyst for new thinking and new words, even if it is uncomfortable, or you are dreading what will happen from here. The future has yet to unfold. If you focus on the negative, you'll only make yourself feel worse. The more a situation upsets you, the more important it is find your personal gain, and choose thoughts that support you to feel better.


It’s not natural to feel “up” all the time, and normal to feel down sometimes.  When you’re a bit down and want feel better, self-coach yourself up by taking a moment to contemplate where you are holding an unrealistic expectation.  Maybe you have expectations of how life should be, or how others should act or treat you. Perhaps you are focused so much on what’s not right without taking into consideration the bigger picture of how the situation is serving you or benefiting you.  Take a moment to activate a new feeling by asking yourself if your expectations need to be readjusted.  By accepting everything as it is, happiness has space to emerge.


As human beings, we can’t get rid of having fears.  Even the bravest of human beings have fears. Our fears serve the purpose of challenging ourselves beyond our comfort zone, which in turn helps us to grow – one of the purposes of life.  A common fear that many experience is the fear of social rejection.  Have you given up on pursuing something you love or doing something you want to do because you are afraid of rejection or ridicule? The reality is that both rejection and acceptance occur no matter who we are or what we do. Remember, you are the only one that you will be with you for the rest of your life.  Don’t give up your dreams only to subordinate to fear and lose your essential self.


Judgment is an unnecessary perspective. When you judge someone or something (even silently), you put yourself at a disadvantage by assuming that you know everything there is to know. Anytime you judge, you not only feed your ego by distorting the truth, you limit the opportunities that show up in your life. When you sit in judgment, you limit your focus. When you limit your focus, you reduce your power and lose precious energy. Since everything you see and experience is a part of the bigger picture of life, it's wise to remember that everything within life is a necessary part of this picture, and judging it serves no positive purpose.